We are open for submissions to Hymn for the Living Poet, Volume V, our final installment. If you haven’t been able to send in your homage works over the last four years, now is your time. All information here.
Call for Submissions: Hymn for the Living Poet, Volume III
We are currently accepting submission of original poetry or art pieces composed in homage to living poets.
Verse of April will consider for publication -for, -to, or -after poems or visual pieces, such as video, sound, song, animation, portraiture, collage, GIF, essay, or beyond.
All submitted pieces must be original works and never before published online or in print. All submitted pieces must state the name of the living poet to whom the work is dedicated. If the submitted work is in conversation with a particular poem by the living poet, please include the title of that poem.
Other documents to include:
1) Submitters should include a “Statement of Homage,” which explains why the particular living poet and/or particular poem by a living poet is important to them.
2) Submitters should include a short biography (of no more than 5 sentences) of the living poet. In it you should aim to include the current location and/or hometown / city of origin of the poet and a list (with links if you have them) of a few of their works (poem titles, book titles, or other projects and publications). These materials will be reviewed with Verse of April and included in publication.
3) A brief third-person biography of you, the submitter.
All documents should be sent as attached Word or PDF files and addressed to verseofapril@gmail.com. Please use “Verse of April 2023 Submission” as your subject line.
Submissions must arrive no later than April 1, 2023.
Note: Past contributors to Verse of April are welcome to submit new works for consideration.
Now Accepting Essays and Interviews
Verse of April believes in giving space and platform to those wishing to further converse with the work of contemporary poets. We are currently accepting essays and interviews that engage with the poetry, artistic practice, or community work of a living poet. We are not opposed to book reviews and will happily consider such pieces. However, we are very interested in “book essays,” a practice we liken to the writer convening in a meaningful way with a contemporary poetry text.
All submitted pieces must be original works and never before published online or in print.
1) All essay and interview submissions should be sent in either Word or PDF format.
2) A brief third-person biography should accompany your document(s).
All documents should be sent to verseofapril@gmail.com. Please use “Verse of April Essay and Interviews Submission” as your subject line.
Soirée poétique: Regards croisés à La Fondation La Ruche-Seydoux
C’est avec grand plaisir que nous annonçons une soirée poétique, dans le cadre de l’exposition de Michèle van de Roer et Liuba Wolf, mercredi prochain, le 12 octobre 2022. Venez nombreux à la Fondation La Ruche-Seydoux pour écouter la poésie de Mélanie Blaison, Lénaïg Cariou, Carrie Chappell, Laure Gauthier, Alison Grace Koehler et Jason Stoneking. La réservation des places est fortement recommandée et peut se faire en écrivant à verseofapril@gmail.com. Participation libre 0-5€.
Call for Submissions: Hymn for the Living Poet, Volume II
Once again, Verse of April is inviting writers and artists of all media to submit to this year’s digital anthology of homage to the poets under the theme Hymn for the Living Poet. Volume II will be a curated selection of poems and visual pieces chosen by the editors and re-printed in a limited-edition anthology, set to release in late 2022 from Bouilloire Presse.
The 2022 manifestation of the annual Verse of April installations aims to celebrate the work of contemporary poets, those risking their hours to show us our reflection, those wielding the wisdom of our ancestors to give us today, those conspiring with the future to let us fuse with our greater potential.
For the digital anthology, Verse of April will accept -for, -to, or -after poems or other -for , -to, or -after pieces, such as video, sound, song, animation, portraiture, collage, GIF, essay, or beyond.
Attention: Only pieces (or portions of pieces) that can be rendered on the page and in book format will be considered for inclusion in the print anthology. Those who are selected to appear in the print anthology will receive one contributor copy of the book and a discount on the purchase of additional copies.
All submitted pieces must be original works and never before published online or in print. All submitted pieces must state the name of the living poet to whom the work is dedicated. If the submitted work is in conversation with a particular poem by the living poet, please include the title of that poem.
Other documents to include:
1) Submitters should include a “Statement of Homage,” which explains why the particular living poet and/or particular poem by a living poet is important to them.
2) Submitters should include a short biography (of no more than 5 sentences) of the living poet. In it you should aim to include the current location and/or hometown / city of origin of the poet and a list (with links if you have them) of a few of their works (poem titles, book titles, or other projects and publications). These materials will be reviewed with Verse of April and included in publication.
3) A brief third-person biography of you, the submitter.
All documents should be sent as attached Word or PDF files and addressed to verseofapril@gmail.com. Please use “Verse of April 2022 Submission” as your Subject line.
Submissions must arrive no later than April 1, 2022.
Note: Past contributors to Verse of April are welcome to submit new works for consideration.
Deadline Extended: Call for Submissions to Hymn for the Living Poet
This is a little postcard from the Verse of April “studios” to announce that we are brainstorming ideas, prepping our season trailer, and extending the deadline for submissions to March 15th. Take another night or ten with your poets’ verses and submit to Hymn for the Living Poet. Guidelines here.
Call for Submissions: Hymn for the Living Poet
Call for Submissions
Verse of April invites writers and artists of all media to submit to this year’s digital anthology of homage to the poets under the theme Hymn for the Living Poet. A curated selection of poems and visual pieces will be chosen by the editors and re-printed in a limited-edition anthology, set to release in late 2021 from Bouilloire Presse.
The 2021 manifestation of the annual Verse of April installations aims to celebrate the work of contemporary poets, those risking their hours to show us our reflection, those wielding the wisdom of our ancestors to give us today, those conspiring with the future to let us fuse with our greater potential.
Submission Guidelines:
For the digital anthology, Verse of April will accept -for or -after poems or other -for or -after pieces, such as video, sound, song, animation, portraiture, collage, GIF, essay, or beyond. Attention: Only pieces (or portions of pieces) that can be rendered on the page and in book format will be considered for inclusion in the print anthology. Those who are selected to appear in the print anthology will receive one contributor copy of the book and a discount on the purchase of additional copies.
All submitted pieces must be original works and never before published online or in print. All submitted pieces must state the name of the living poet to whom the work is dedicated. If the submitted work is in conversation with a particular poem by the living poet, please include the title of the poem. Submitters should include a “Statement of Homage,” which explains why the particular living poet and/or particular poem by a living poet is important to them. Submitters should include a short biography of the living poet. These materials will be reviewed with Verse of April and included in publication.
All submissions should be sent to verseofapril@gmail.com and use as their Subject Line “Verse of April 2021 Submission” and should arrive no later than March 1, 2021. Note: Past contributors to Verse of April are welcome to submit new works for consideration.
Editorial Statement: Under no circumstances will Verse of April review work that is racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, or intentionally or unintentionally harmful or derogatory. Please preface work that is potentially triggering with an appropriate warning in the email that accompanies your submission.
-after Thoughts: On Literary Homage & Ancestry
Sunday’s event was a powerful reunion of creators and ideas, and we're still reeling from the artful wisdom imparted by Ashley M. Jones, Alison Grace Koehler, Fork Burke, Che Yeun, Malik Ameer Crumpler, and Jennifer Huang. If you weren't able to make the online reading, you can watch -after Thoughts: On Literary Homage & Ancestry on YouTube. We promise you're going to want to enter this realm! Many continued thanks to the Manderley Collective and to those who attended in real time.
An Afternoon / Evening with Verse of April & Manderley Collective, Sunday, May 17, 2020
Verse of April is honored to have been invited to collaborate in a special online event with the Manderley Collective. Please join Editor-in-Chief Carrie Chappell and past contributors Fork Burke, Malik Ameer Crumpler, Jennifer Huang, Ashley M. Jones, Alison Grace Koehler, and Che Yeun on Sunday, May 17, 2020, for an afternoon/evening (depending on your time zone) of conversation around literary homage and ancestry. All who wish to attend must RSVP here.
The Readers:
Fork Burke is a poet currently living in Switzerland. Recent poems of hers have been included in Tsunami Gang, Maintenant: A Journal Of Contemporary DADA Writing and Art, Those That This. Her spoken word album, Durch die Blumen, released in 2015. She has published two books: Licking Glass and #33 Checklist. She is Co-Editor of I Will Be Different Every Time: Black Women In Biel. More about her current and upcoming projects can be found on her website.
Malik Ameer Crumpler is a poet, rapper, composer, music producer and editor who has released several albums, glitch art films, five poetry books, and one book of raps. He is the Poetry Editor and a Co-Host of Paris Lit Up, Editor-At-Large of The Opiate, and Co-Founder of Those That This. Malik has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from L.I.U. Brooklyn. He is also the M.C. for Hip Hop group, Madison Washington on Def Pressé. Beneath The Underground: Collected Raps 2000-2018 is Malik’s most recent release, and ((((FACTS))))) is Madison Washington’s latest album.
Jennifer Huang is a Taiwanese-American writer, teacher, and artist from Rockville, Maryland. She currently lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she recently received an M.F.A. in Poetry at the University of Michigan's Helen Zell Writers' Program. Her essays and poetry have appeared or are forthcoming in Narrative Magazine, The Rumpus, Michigan Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. She also serves as an Assistant Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit.
Ashley M. Jones is the author of Magic City Gospel and dark / / thing. Her poetry has earned several awards, including the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers Award, the Silver Medal in the Independent Publishers Book Awards, the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize for Poetry, a Literature Fellowship from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Lucille Clifton Poetry Prize, and the Lucille Clifton Legacy Award. Her poems and essays appear widely. She teaches at the Alabama School of Fine Arts, co-directs PEN Birmingham, and is the founding director of the Magic City Poetry Festival.
Alison Grace Koehler is a stained glass poet. She makes windows, breaks glass, and solders poems into different spaces. This may be as performance or inside permanent and transient installations, exhibitions, and publications. Some of these spaces have included Cité International des Arts, The Edinburgh Art Festival, Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Irruzinoi, Espace Christiane Peugeot, Carbone 17, Berkeley Books of Paris, Tamaas, and The Bloomsday Festival. Alison lives in Paris and has recently published her first book, Stained Glass Poetry. Her work can be found on her website or @alisongracekoehler (Instagram / Facebook) and @AGraceColor (Twitter).
Che Yeun is a fiction writer from Seoul, Korea. Her work has been published in Granta, Virginia Quarterly Review, Kenyon Review Online, and she is a Hedgebrook alumna. She is currently based in Boston, where she works as a historian of science and medicine.
The Guest Host:
Carrie Chappell is from Birmingham, Alabama. Some of her poems have appeared in Nashville Review, Redivider, SWIMM, and Yemassee. Her lyric and book essays have been published in The Rumpus, DIAGRAM, Fanzine, The Iowa Review, The Rupture, and Xavier Review. Currently, she serves as Poetry Editor for Sundog Lit and lives in Paris, France. She founded Verse of April there in 2015 as a way to contemporize expressions of poetic tribute in a digital anthology of homage to the poets, the poem.
: rêve renVersé : soirée poétique à la fondation la ruche
: Rêve RenVersé :
[dans le cadre de l’exposition Dreamtime de Michèle van de Roer] : une soirée poétique—
lieu: Fondation La Ruche-
Association Atelier Alfred Boucher
2 Passage de Dantzig
Paris 75015
avec de la poésie rêvée et renversée de
Marie de Quatrebarbes
Cole Swensen
Anna Serra
Marissa Davis
Carrie Chappell
et d'autres invités
rsvp avant le 12 décembre
nombre de places limité
_ - _ _ - + + - __- ____+____---_-_----------___ _ -_ _ _ - - +- - --_-
Marie de Quatrebarbes (1984) vit et écrit à Paris. Elle a publié dernièrement Gommage de tête (Éric Pesty Éditeur, 2017) et John Wayne est sous mon lit (cipM, 2018). Son prochain livre, Voguer, paraîtra en 2019 aux éditions P.O.L.
Cole Swensen est l'auteure de dix-sept recueils de poésie, dernièrement On Walking On (Nightboat, 2017), Gave (Omnidawn, 2017), et Landscapes on a Train (Nightboat 2015), and un volume des essais critiques. Ses recueils se concentrent sur des projets de recherche spécifiques, notamment sur les parcs publics, l'art plastique, les manuscripts illuminés, et les fantômes. Son travail a été récompensé par The National Poetry Series, the Iowa Poetry Prize, the San Francisco State Poetry Center Book Award, et the PEN USA Award in Literary Translation. Ancienne boursière Guggenheim, elle est co-rédactrice de l'anthologie Norton American Hybrid et rédactrice-fondatrice de La Presse Poetry (www.lapressepoetry.com). Elle enseigne à Brown University.
Marissa Davis est poète et éducatrice venant de Paducah, Kentucky aux États-Unis. Après avoir étudié quatre ans à Nashville, Tennessee, elle a déménagé à Paris pour travailler en tant que prof d'anglais dans une école primaire; elle commence sa deuxième année à Paris. Sa poésie a paru dans Kindred Magazine, The Carolina Quarterly, Duende, et Rattle.
Carrie Chappell est originaire d'Alabama. Elle a reçu son Master de Beaux Arts en création littéraire de l'Université de la Nouvelle-Orléans en 2013. Sa poésie a paru dans Anastamos, Blue Mesa Review, CALAMITY, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, FORTH Magazine, Harpur Palate, Juked, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, et The Volta. Ses essais ont été publiés dans The Collagist, Diagram, FANZINE, The Iowa Review, Xavier Review, et Buried Letter Press. Depuis 2014, elle vit et écrit à Paris.
(affiche faite part triski nurani)