sofia melka
Bled Reckoning
—for Anne Carson
Hearts that open like hands
and close like big-headed daisies
at the thought of night.
I think of breath as I pass
them and I think of it like music
and I tell you move to the sound of joy
(like it’s the last you’ll hear of it).
I spend an eon braiding grass
in a field with
no exit and no trodden path
anyway I turn my head
left and right, but
never down.
And in my fingers I can feel
the rain and the way it breathes
a gentle name
which is lost in my fingertips
twisting strands ‘round and ‘round,
I feel the earth kick against my palms
like something’s trying to be born,
and when it comes
I’ll have a head full of gold
and calloused fingers,
seeing in my dreams strange
flowers and dead ringers
in another’s words, yes and know
soon I’ll be homeward-bound
to those Kings of light
and Lords of sound.
Statement of Homage
With Anne Carson, mothers run rampant, myths were never myths but, people — humanity. She’ll break you and your heart. She makes you long. I admire her inventiveness and conviction, as well as the way she has combined scholarship and poetry. In her poems, there is a stillness, a quietness, or some kind of desolation that makes itself apparent to me. Her beautiful sparseness inspires me and inspired this response. She turns back to face the past and out of it she fashions a world of her own.
Anne Carson
Anne Carson is a Canadian writer, poet, translator and classicist. In 2014 she won the Griffin Poetry Prize. Her most recent book is named Wrong Norma, published in 2024. She seems to live in Michigan.
Sofia Melka is a Singapore-born writer in the Czech Republic. Her work is forthcoming in THE WAVE (Kelp Journal) and 101 Words. Her TEDx talk has appeared in the TEDx “Editor’s Picks (2023)” playlist.