Verse of April is proud to present its third chapter of Hymn for the Living Poet.

Please join us in celebrating contributors Lénaïg Cariou, Richard Dailey, Margaret DeRitter, Raye Hendrix, Kelly Jones, Andrew Ketcham, Özge Lena, Erin Little, Rhiannon McGavin, Tory V. Pearman, Nupur Shah, Spencer Silverthorne, Anouk Smies, and Nikki Ummel, and read this issue to find tributes to Chad Bennett, Leila Chatti, Eduardo C. Corral, Annelyse Gelman, Joy Harjo, Sandra Moussempès, Stevie Nicks, Kelli Russell Agodon, Kristin Sanders, Ibrahim Selman, Diane Seuss, Jason Stoneking, Rebecca Tamás, and Snehal Vadher.

Great thanks to Baptiste de Chabaneix for making the video and art for this issue.